TrueFocus, Inc
Focusing on Data Centers,
Computer Storage, and
Fibre Channel
Call: (507)356-4701
12 Elmwood Drive
Pine Island, MN 55963


Computer Storage and Interface Consulting

Keeping up with the latest developments in computer storage and  interface technology can be challenging. Let Horst Truestedt at TrueFocus, Inc help you keep up. He specializes in computer storage and interface consulting.

Instruction Relating to Fiber Channel
Horst has extensive experience in the field of Fibre Channel (FC). He is uniquely qualified to instruct anyone interested in learning more about computer interfaces.
He has taught FC, SATA, SAS classes to over 3000 engineers/programmers/managers world-wide.

While working at IBM, he was a consulting engineer to large systems and a senior program manager. He was the IBM principal voting member on the current INCITS T11 standards committee from 1985-1997. During that time, he was the editor of:

  • "IPI-3 Command Set for Optical and Magnetic Disk" (IPI-3-Disk)
  • "Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop" (FC-AL)
  • "Fibre Channel Audio/Visual" FC-AV
  • Co-Authored a book on Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop.

He has also assisted in multiple industry and IBM task forces in the areas of magnetic and optical disks, peripheral interfaces, and Fibre Channel. Horst continues to be active on the T11 committee and has been the US delegate to ISO for INCITS T11, and has been a facilitator and secretary of various sub-groups.

Horst's broad consulting experience includes patent infringement litigation support and consulting with large data centers (see also Robert Dubke at
Data Center Brokers). Horst has also advised many companies regarding INCITS T11 standards, loop switch and protocol chip design, RAID, ANSI interface standards: IPI, HIPPI, FC, and SAS/SATA.

Horst is well known in the industry and has a knack for getting things done. He also uses his wide network of industry contacts as a referral source. If he can't advise you directly, he will put you in touch with someone who can.

                                            Truestedt Computer Storage
                                            and Interface Consulting in
                                            Pine Island, MN
Contact us to schedule your Data Center, Computer Storage or Interface consultation.